Disclaimer: The content shown in this post was not created nor does it belong to EnergyNews.biz.Credit entirelybelongs to IIEC.org

In India, Swiss Development and Cooperation (SDC) has been supporting a project named “Integration of Renewable Energy in Buildings in India”. The broad objective of the project is to design, showcase and monitor building integrated and innovative renewable energy technologies suitable to and affordable in the local condition and applicable for different categories of buildings, which are currently given a major push at the government level in India.

Considering that the project is expected to demonstrate the technological interventions for building integrated renewable energy and provide capacity building support to government and private sector stakeholders in India to design and construct buildings and housing societies with increased integration of renewable energy technologies, the project organized a webinar with key stakeholders to achieve the following objectives:

1. What kind of technological interventions for building integrated renewable energy can be selected for the demonstration of pilots to prove their suitability in different conditions.

2. What kind of models that the project should support for de-risking of investments for the promotion of increased use of renewable energy in buildings.

Disclaimer: The content shown in this post was not created nor does it belong to EnergyNews.biz. Credit entirely belongs to IIEC.org

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