The challenge of “renewable energy, green hydrogen, grid, and sustainable transportation” has been announced by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), along with the associated and necessary investments, with goal 2 being “green revolution and ecological transformation.”

This test, the note says: “was quickly adopted by the Calabria Region, and in particular, Lamezia Terme, with a project that involves the construction of a plant for the production of green hydrogen through water electrolysis, as well as additional renewable energy production plants served by the electrolyzer.

The organization “Teca Gas srl” is the owner of the mentioned location (proponent of the project). With the distribution of renewable hydrogen for road transportation, the same company also hopes to improve the refueling infrastructure in the “Teca Green Fuel” service area next to the Lamezia Terme (CZ) exit for the A2 highway.

According to the public notice for the selection of project proposals for the construction of refueling stations based on renewable hydrogen for transportation published through the Directorial Decree No. 113 of the Minister of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility on October 11, 2022, which is a part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), Mission 2 “Green revolution and ecol,” the company reality of Teca Gas has in fact submitted a request for admission to contributions. It serves as a replacement for oil and can assist us in overcoming the difficulty of the energy transition “.

“A truly exceptional wager, according to the corporation “Teca Gas srl,” but one that speaks to the need for synergy on the ground to completely support testing and research on green hydrogen, the only hydrogen that emits zero emissions both during its production and during its usage. They go on to say that this opportunity would also be incorporated into the trans-European TEN-T transportation networks, which are made up of linear rail, road, and river infrastructures as well as urban nodes, ports, interports, and airports. This would guarantee the continuation of the Corridors and, consequently, the full realization of the missing links, ensure connections between the various modes of transportation, and remove any existing bottlenecks. Techfem srl, a design firm with years of experience working with both renewable and fossil fuels, is supporting the proposed subject, Teca gas srl “.

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