LONGi Hydrogen and ACWA Power have joined forces to embark on the first phase of a monumental green hydrogen project in Uzbekistan.

This venture, poised to revolutionize the country’s energy landscape, aims to harness renewable resources to produce green hydrogen and ammonia, significantly reducing carbon emissions and advancing Uzbekistan’s ambitious energy transition plans.

The primary goal of the collaboration between LONGi Hydrogen and ACWA Power is to establish a state-of-the-art green hydrogen production facility in Uzbekistan. By leveraging LONGi Hydrogen’s cutting-edge electrolyzer technology and ACWA Power’s expertise in renewable energy and desalination, the project aims to produce green hydrogen and ammonia on a massive scale, paving the way for a more sustainable and environmentally friendly energy future.

At the heart of the project lies LONGi Hydrogen’s ALK electrolyzer stacks, renowned for their efficiency and reliability in green hydrogen production. These electrolyzer stacks, coupled with comprehensive balance of plant (BoP) solutions provided by LONGi Hydrogen, will enable the efficient conversion of renewable energy into hydrogen, driving down the levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH) and making green hydrogen a viable and affordable energy source.

The green hydrogen project in Uzbekistan holds immense potential to mitigate carbon emissions and combat climate change. With an expected reduction of up to 136,000 tons of carbon emissions per year, the project represents a significant step towards achieving Uzbekistan’s sustainability goals and contributing to global efforts to transition to cleaner energy sources.

The green hydrogen project not only represents a transformative shift towards renewable energy in Uzbekistan but also sets a precedent for future collaborations and initiatives in the region.

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