The new generation of ALK Hi1 alkaline electrolyzed water hydrogen production equipment from LONGi Hydrogen, was formally unveiled in Beijing. This equipment continuously explores minimal energy consumption.

Based on their extensive experience in the photovoltaic industry, LONGi discovered that, similar to the LCOE of photovoltaics, reducing the electricity consumption of hydrogen production units would allow them to create more hydrogen with the same amount of power. Green hydrogen will be more economical if the lower levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH).

The two factors that affect the enhanced sensitivity of LCOH are power cost and energy use per unit of hydrogen generation. ALK Hi1’s full load direct current consumption can be as low as 4.3 kWh/Nm3. With the ALK Hi1 Plus, it is even lower—down to 4.1 kWh/Nm3—to accommodate hydrogen production scenarios that call for longer operating times. At 2500 A/m2, the current density even exceeds 4.0 kWh/Nm3.

Also, according to the study, the full-load DC power consumption of the global electrolyzed water industry—including technologies for producing hydrogen from alkaline water (ALK) and proton exchange membrane (PEM) water electrolysis energy—is essentially between 4.5 and 4.6 kWh/Nm3. According to Li Can, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, this is already a reasonably acceptable industrial energy efficiency performance.

The LONGi ALK Hi1 family of products has so far withstood empirical tests, had their performance verified by independent organizations like Det Norske Veritas and DEKRA Testing and Certification (Shanghai) Ltd., and had it measured in accordance with the national standard GB-32311-2015. The LONGi ALK Hi1 series’ products are rated as having a hydrogen production system with energy efficiency level 1.

The LONGi ALK Hi1 series’ products offer excellent production capacity and efficiency, which results in a more than 10% reduction in DC power consumption and a significant decrease in the LCOH of hydrogen generation in various scenarios. That is, for a reduction of 0.1 kWh/Nm3 in the DC energy consumption of hydrogen production, the LCOH of hydrogen can be reduced by 1.8% to 2.2%, depending on the number of hours the system is used. This is equivalent to a reduction of between 10% and 25% in the initial investment of hydrogen production equipment.

“The history of energy development parallels the history of human civilization.” The direction of energy development will progressively change from carbon-based energy to silicon-based energy, and ultimately to hydrogen energy, according to the concept of “Peak Carbon and Carbon Neutrality.” The world’s most affordable clean energy source is now solar energy, according to LONGi founder and chairman Li Zhenguo, and “hydrogen photovoltaic generation” is a real “doubly clean” energy option.

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