The Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM) and the Peruvian Association of Hydrogen H2 Peru signed an institutional cooperation agreement with the goal of promoting the development of green hydrogen technologies, uses, and production in the country as a new clean fuel alternative for the future.

This agreement calls for collaboration in the development of joint activities with the goal of developing and implementing a national green hydrogen strategy, for which the association will share the advances it has made, such as bills, foundations for the strategy’s development, and a roadmap proposal, among other things.

It is also hoped that by launching this initiative, green hydrogen will become more visible and socialized, emphasizing its critical role in the necessary energy transition to combat climate change.

Hydrogen is a fuel and a raw material, as well as an energy vector (that is, an element capable of storing energy and releasing it when needed). It is considered green when it is made entirely from renewable energy sources, as it does not emit greenhouse gases during production or use.

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