National H2 will be accepting bid submissions after seeing a lot of interest to make sure investors don’t miss out on this chance to get seed-level access to a company with plans to construct over 240 hydrogen plants around the APAC region.

To start building its first non-recyclable waste plastic to hydrogen facility in Western Australia, National H2 will raise money.

As of right now, the project has the full support of the local government, the site has been acquired, and a feasibility study has been completed.

The seed-level raise for National H2 will be valued conservatively because modeling indicates each plant will produce $5.7 million in yearly EBITDA, and the financial outlook indicates strong valuation rise over the next year.

By a planned offering on a favorable exchange in late 2023 or early 2024, the company will finance its development throughout APAC.

There are 20 slots available for retail investors, however the offer is primarily for experienced or professional investors. Place your bid right now if you’re interested in the next capital raise.

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