Using hydrogen as a power source could help Canada meet its 2050 goal of zero emissions by using a cleaner burning fuel than coal or oil.

The hydrogen industry is expected to grow at an astronomical rate as more and more people around the world look for alternatives to fossil fuels. Hydrogen’s global market is expected to grow to over $11 trillion in the next 30 years, according to some estimates. Natural gas reserves and a skilled workforce in the natural resource sector give Alberta a competitive advantage in the development of new hydrogen technologies that will benefit both the economy and the environment.

The Distinguished Ones An investment of $1.35 million has been announced by Daniel Vandal, Minister of Northern Affairs, who is also responsible for Prairies Economic Development Canada and the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency. One of C-FER Technologies’ Edmonton testing facilities for hydrogen fuel infrastructure, equipment, and technologies will be upgraded thanks to federal funding.

With its non-profit subsidiary, Alberta Innovates’ C-FER Technologies aims to improve the efficiency and environmental performance of businesses in the energy sector. Based in Edmonton, Alberta, C-FER performs full-scale experimental testing and specialized engineering consulting services. Because of this, Alberta businesses will be able to work on new hydrogen-related products or processes, which are crucial to the industry’s ability to transport and store hydrogen safely and reliably. This initiative is expected to have a positive impact on 50 small and medium-sized energy companies.

Alberta Innovates will contribute $300,000 to this project on top of the money provided by the federal government. The total investment, including industry contributions, is more than $2.8 million.

As part of the Edmonton Region Hydrogen HUB, a coalition of government, indigenous, academic, and economic development leaders has pledged $1.2 million in support of the region’s low-carbon hydrogen economy, which will be launched in April 2021 with the help of C-FER Technologies.

“The Government of Canada recognizes the tremendous opportunity for Alberta to become a global leader in the hydrogen economy and to benefit from both the economic and environmental advantages of hydrogen energy. By providing local firms a leg up in testing and validating their technologies for the hydrogen industry, we’re ensuring they can capitalize on growth opportunities, maintain their competitiveness, and create high-quality jobs for Alberta’s energy workers,” says The Honourable Daniel Vandal, Minister of Northern Affairs, Minister responsible for Prairies Economic Development Canada and Minister responsible for the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency.

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