To the benefit of the greater Hunter, a $100 million investment will ensure that Labor’s vision is realized at the Port of Newcastle.
Browsing: Hydrogen
Bruno van der Pluijm, the Belgian ambassador, and Linda Scott, the Namibian high commissioner, welcomed attendees on behalf of their respective nations.
In collaboration with Gasunie, the NortH2 consortium, which is made up of Eneco, RWE, Equinor, and Shell, is looking into how all facets of the hydrogen value chain, from production to transport and storage, may be developed in concert.
25 million euro financing for the construction of a hydrogen production facility in Abruzzo inside industrial and abandoned lands as part of the 500 million euro National Recovery and Resilience Plan RFP from the Ministry of Ecological Transition.
Industry federations from France and Germany are lobbying for the construction of a joint European hydrogen infrastructure to accelerate the technology’s roll-out across the region.
To lower the price of clean-hydrogen technology, the US Department of Energy (DOE) plans to release $750 million in funding.
According to the plan that the Ministry for the Ecological Transition submitted to the European Union (EU) for consideration as a Project of Common Interest, Gijón will serve as the neuralgic point of connection for the first two axes of the fundamental network of green hydrogen in Spain (PCI).
Monday Blitz News
According to a statement from Lithuanian Amber Grid, one of the project’s partners, six gas operators from Lithuania, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, and Germany have signed an agreement on collaboration in the development of hydrogen infrastructure.
A green hydrogen maritime corridor now links Sines and Rotterdam.