Browsing: NEWS

Italy's $10M Hydrogen Tender to Advance Green Energy Infrastructure

The Italian firm, Alfa S.r.l., has issued a tender titled “Fornitura, trasporto e travaso di ossigeno liquido e azoto liquido comprensivo di nolo delle apparecchiature accessorie, destinato alla sezione di ozonizzazione dell’impianto di depurazione di Sant’Antonino Ticino.”


SSE and Siemens Energy have joined forces to advance hydrogen power in the UK. Their new initiative, Mission H2 Power, aims to develop gas turbines that can run entirely on hydrogen.

Aluminum Alloy Highly Resistant to Hydrogen Embrittlement

The world of material science constantly seeks innovative solutions to extend the application of materials in various industries. One such advancement is the patent filed by LS Cable & System, presenting an aluminum alloy that shows exceptional resistance to hydrogen embrittlement.