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Green Hydrogen H2 News

The ‘H2Global’ initiative intends to fulfill the EU demand for renewable hydrogen, which is predicted to rise dramatically in the future years, by promoting the development of untapped renewable resource potential outside the EU.

Green Hydrogen H2 News

The Ministry of Employment and the Economy has awarded P2X Solutions, a Finnish pioneer in green hydrogen and power-to-x technology, a EUR 26 million grant for new energy technology and large-scale demonstration projects to build Finland’s first industrial scale green hydrogen production plant and methanation unit in Harjavalta.

Green Hydrogen H2 News

The current account deficit is clearly one of Turkey’s most pressing and urgent issues. Energy is the largest component of the current account deficit. Ankara, which has explored a variety of options to lessen energy reliance on foreign sources, has recently come to the fore with its efforts in the sector of renewable energy.