Browsing: Projects


Spanish government is set to allocate 150 million euros from European Union funds to prominent hydrogen projects led by major energy corporations. This funding injection, part of the Incentive Program for Pioneering Renewable Hydrogen Projects (H2 Pioneers Program), underscores Spain’s commitment to advancing green hydrogen technologies.

Northern Adriatic Hydrogen Valley's Tripartite Vision Unveiled

In the heart of the Northern Adriatic region, a groundbreaking initiative is taking shape – the Northern Adriatic Hydrogen Valley. This ambitious project, unveiled in Trieste, aims to produce 5 thousand tonnes of renewable hydrogen annually within six years. Spanning the territories of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Slovenia, and Croatia, the project signifies a collaborative effort involving 37 diverse public and private partners.


Monarch Energy and LS Power have forged a partnership, establishing the Clean Hydrogen Fuels, LLC platform. LS Power’s commitment to invest up to $400 million in Monarch’s green hydrogen projects underscores the ambition to revolutionize diverse industries, including refining, chemicals, fertilizer, and long-haul transport.

Spanish, Dutch and German Ports Unite for Green Hydrogen

Port of Amsterdam has signed three crucial agreements during the H2 Connecting Event in Duisburg. These agreements aim to solidify the port’s position as a vital supplier of renewable hydrogen and derivatives to the German market, aligning with the collaborative efforts between the Netherlands and Germany in the realm of renewable hydrogen.


Swedish group Universal Kraft’s ambitious project, GP H2 As Pontes, has received a substantial financial boost from the central Government. The project, set to establish a large industrial conglomerate in As Pontes, aims to produce green ammonia and hydrogen, contributing to the region’s economic and environmental transformation.