Companies like Nikola Corporation and First Hydrogen are pioneering the way forward, making strides in the development of hydrogen fuel-cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) and hydrogen refueling infrastructure.

Unlike fossil fuels that release planet-warming gases, hydrogen fuel can be 100% clean, depending on the process used to burn it. In a hydrogen fuel cell EV, hydrogen is burned with pure oxygen in specially made cells, producing only water as a by-product. This makes hydrogen a cleaner and more sustainable option for the transportation industry, driving its increasing popularity.

Experts predict that the global hydrogen market will reach about $231 billion by 2030, highlighting the immense potential for growth and adoption. Regular EVs and FCEVs share many advantages and disadvantages, with hydrogen-powered vehicles boasting comparable range to traditional gas-powered counterparts. However, hydrogen refueling infrastructure still lags behind EV battery charging infrastructure, presenting a significant challenge for wider adoption.

As a global leader in battery-electric and hydrogen FCEVs, energy solutions, and hydrogen stations, Nikola Corporation is at the forefront of hydrogen innovation. Securing an additional $16.3 million grant, totaling $58.2 million, to support its hydrogen infrastructure, Nikola plans to build 6 heavy-duty hydrogen refueling stations across Southern California. Its partnership with Voltera aims to develop up to 50 HYLA hydrogen stations in North America over the next 5 years, further advancing the hydrogen ecosystem.

Backed by successful trials, First Hydrogen Corporation’s FCEV achieved an impressive range of 630 km on a single refueling during its fleet trial with UK-based SSE Plc. The results exceeded expectations and demonstrated the viability and sustainability of hydrogen energy. SSE’s feedback indicates the potential integration of hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles into its fleets of the future, affirming the success of First Hydrogen’s technology.

These recent developments in the hydrogen market underscore the potential of hydrogen as a critical piece of the net zero puzzle. Nikola and First Hydrogen’s contributions to hydrogen infrastructure and FCEV technology are driving the hydrogen revolution and solidifying hydrogen’s position as a promising clean energy solution.

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