A grant of 25 million euros has been given to the North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley project, which was jointly created in Slovenia, Croatia, and the Italian region of Friuli Venezia Giulia.

A public-private collaboration for the study and advancement of hydrogen technologies in Europe, the Clean Hydrogen Partnership Joint Undertaking, is responsible for providing the funds.

The North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley is the first transnational initiative in Europe with a specific focus on hydrogen. The three-country partnership, which includes 34 organizations and is led by Slovenia’s state-owned power company Holding Slovenske Elektrarne (HSE), spans the entire hydrogen value chain, from production to storage and distribution to final use in a variety of industries like industry and transportation.

“We are pleased to announce Holding Slovenske Elektrarne (HSE) as the project’s principal partner. HSE is the main generator of electricity in Slovenia derived from renewable sources. The use of hydrogen technology and making use of potential in the field of energy storage will enable a quicker green transition to an emission-neutral society, according to Tomatokelj, the Director General of HSE.

He continued, “This is also consistent with the mission and vision of HSE, which is to maintain its position as the nation’s largest producer of renewable electricity and to establish itself as one of the key advocates of the green transformation in Slovenia and the region through knowledge, experience, and examples of good practice.

Pilot projects for the generation of more than 5,000 tonnes of green hydrogen annually from renewable energy sources as well as its storage, delivery, and usage will be developed by important industry stakeholders from all three countries. The project’s ultimate objective is to decarbonize important industrial sectors like the manufacturing of steel and cement as well as sustainable transportation options connected to lowering the carbon footprint.

This undertaking will last for 72 months. It is anticipated to begin this year, as soon as a date is set after consultation with the European Commission, which is most likely to occur in the second half of 2023, according to HSE.

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