The Northern California Power Agency (NCPA) has taken a significant step towards a sustainable energy future with the completion of a groundbreaking study for a clean hydrogen production and storage facility.

The proposed Lodi Hydrogen Centre, located at the existing Lodi Energy Centre, aims to produce 24 tonnes of hydrogen per day, with the potential to fuel the facility with 100% hydrogen by 2028. This ambitious project, made possible with the support of Siemens Energy and the American Public Power Association, promises to revolutionize the region’s energy landscape, providing a pathway to greener and more reliable power generation.

The Lodi Hydrogen Centre, conceived by the Northern California Power Agency, represents a bold stride towards a cleaner and more sustainable energy ecosystem. The facility will leverage state-of-the-art technology to produce a significant volume of hydrogen daily. With a target capacity of 24 tonnes, the hydrogen generated at the Lodi Hydrogen Centre will be a pivotal element in advancing clean energy solutions for the region.

The Lodi Energy Centre, a 300MW combined-cycle, natural gas-fired power plant, is the chosen site for the proposed hydrogen facility. The vision is to introduce hydrogen as a fuel source, with a long-term goal of supplying the power plant with 45% hydrogen, reducing its carbon footprint significantly. Moreover, the study conducted by Siemens Energy suggests that the Lodi Energy Centre could transition to operate on 100% hydrogen as early as 2028. This transformation would signal a transformative leap in California’s renewable energy landscape.

The Northern California Power Agency, representing 16 public power utility members serving over 700,000 Californians, is driven by its commitment to a cleaner energy future. With a diverse power portfolio that includes hydroelectric, geothermal, and natural gas-fired generation facilities, NCPA is well-positioned to lead the way in renewable energy adoption. The Lodi Hydrogen Centre project exemplifies NCPA’s dedication to embracing innovative and sustainable technologies.

NCPA’s pursuit of the Lodi Hydrogen Centre was made possible through the support of the American Public Power Association’s Demonstration of Energy and Efficiency Developments (DEED) program grant. The $48,500 grant awarded to NCPA in December 2020 enabled the study of the feasibility of developing a renewable hydrogen production facility. The grant provided vital insights into cost drivers and essential processes for the project’s development phase.

With the Lodi Hydrogen Centre on the horizon, Northern California is poised to accelerate its transition to a cleaner energy landscape. The ambitious plans to produce clean hydrogen and power the Lodi Energy Centre signify a remarkable stride towards a hydrogen-powered future. NCPA’s vision not only aligns with California’s renewable energy goals but also reflects its commitment to serving its customers with sustainable and resilient energy solutions.

The Lodi Hydrogen Centre project serves as a beacon of hope, illuminating the path to a greener and more prosperous energy future for the region, inspiring other communities to embrace hydrogen’s transformative potential.

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