An offshore wind plant and another one of green hydrogen could soon be realized off the coast of Bari by a local start-up.

They would be added to the one already realized in Taranto and to the one planned in front of the Salento coasts between Otranto and Santa Maria di Leuca (where 90 wind turbines almost 300 meters high are planned for an area of about 163 square meters).

For Bari, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility has forwarded the application for the project to be carried out to the Port Authority of the metropolitan city. The location of the wind plant, it must be said at once, is planned for the most part beyond the limit of territorial waters.

When fully operational, the plant foresees a production of more than 3.5 TWh of energy, thanks to an installed power of about 1.2 Gigawatts from wind power and a production of up to 90,000 tons/year of green hydrogen thanks to the generation section with 600 Megawatts of electrical power.

The idea is of the Hope Group of Bari, an innovative start-up strongly active in the renewable energy sector, which boasts professionals with proven experience in the field and collaborations with national and European research centers of high level.

The Group’s project park (whose flagship is the green hydrogen plant that will power the city buses of Taranto) already amounts to over two Gigawatts of power from both offshore (offshore) and onshore (onshore) wind and photovoltaic sources, compared to which the offshore park represents a significant increase, but not a dimensional leap.

Hope’s projects take advantage of the collaboration of the Polytechnic of Bari regarding the production and diffusion technologies used, the most advanced available today, and with the University of Bari for the study of environmental impacts.

Hope’s administrator, Fabio Paccapelo, is convinced: “the challenge of renewable energies, which is essential for the fight against climate change and to reduce the energy dependence of the Italian system, can be won only from the bottom, thanks to a correct information that explains the consequences and the opportunities for the local realities and for all the stakeholders”.

If the offshore wind plant is the one to be built in the sea with the installation of turbines able to “capture” the force of the wind and transform it into energy, the green hydrogen plant is the hydrogen obtained through an electrolytic process of water (in special cells powered by renewable sources) with zero emissions, without release of carbon dioxide (CO2). It is currently the form of energy with the lowest environmental impact at the point and whose massive use is considered by many the obligatory way to save the planet.

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