AIST has developed a unique hydroxyl group-containing polymer that forms a stable crosslinked body when exposed to light. This polymer, acetalized with a compound conforming to a specific chemical formula, is designed to improve performance in hydrogen-related applications. The inventors have capitalized on the polymer’s structural properties to innovate in hydrogen storage, transport, and usage technologies.

Features and Technological Improvements:

The patented polymer features at least two hydroxyl groups in its main or side chain, which allows it to crosslink upon light exposure, unlike conventional polymers. This crosslinking enhances the polymer’s stability and durability, which is crucial for demanding environments typical in hydrogen applications. The chemical structure, involving rings and bonds described in the patent’s formula, contributes to this improvement, offering greater control over the polymer’s mechanical and thermal properties.

Potential Applications:

1. Hydrogen Storage: Enhanced stability and structural integrity under varying pressure and temperature conditions.
2. Fuel Cells: Improved membrane durability for longer operational lifespans.
3. Hydrogen Transport: More resilient pipelines.

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