The burgeoning landscape of green hydrogen investment takes a pivotal turn with the launch of Climate Investor Three (CI3) by Climate Fund Managers BV (CFM), a significant player in blended finance investment across Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
As hydrogen’s role in the energy transition continues to evolve, the deployment of clean hydrogen remains a pivotal aspect of decarbonization strategies.
The energy storage industry sees substantial growth with Sineng Electric’s recent involvement in a major 300MWh Vanadium Redox Flow Battery (VRFB) project, bolstering shifts towards sustainable energy solutions.
The energy sector in Brazil witnessed a significant shift in 2024 with the installation of 269 MWh of energy storage systems.
Huawei’s Smart String & Grid Forming ESS passed extreme ignition testing. The successful outcome of these tests highlights Huawei’s advancing efforts in energy storage safety and resilience.
Amidst evolving energy demands in Europe, TE Connectivity has unveiled its expanded Energy Smart Grid site in Bensheim, Germany.
Siemens Energy has secured a notable partnership with Rolls-Royce, marking a significant move in the expanding sector of small modular…
The municipality of Alba Iulia has announced a tender titled “Furnizarea a 15 Stații de reîncărcare pentru vehicule electrice” aimed…
The European Union (EU) and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) have fortified Jordan’s National Electric Power Company (NEPCO) with a strategic financing package of EUR 67.1 million, a bold move to invigorate Jordan’s transmission grid system.
A recent analysis conducted in southeastern Spain reveals untapped potential for hydrogen production, with unoccupied industrial zones capable of generating…