This comprehensive review explores the recent advancements in the development of palladium (Pd) catalysts for the reversible dehydrogenation of heterocyclic liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHC).

Given the shift towards low-carbon clean energy, hydrogen energy has emerged as a promising candidate. The review provides insights into the design and efficiency of Pd catalysts, crucial for hydrogen storage and transportation. It consolidates developments from the past five years, highlighting the impact of Pd state, content, and support nature on catalyst efficiency.

Hydrogen is being recognized as the next-generation fuel that could potentially replace traditional fossil fuels. Generated from renewable sources such as biomass, solar, wind, and water, hydrogen offers numerous applications across manufacturing, transportation, and power generation. However, hydrogen storage and transportation present significant challenges. Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers (LOHCs) have garnered attention due to their ability to store and release hydrogen safely and efficiently.

The dehydrogenation and hydrogenation processes in LOHC systems are slow and require catalysts to accelerate the reactions. Palladium (Pd) catalysts have emerged as a significant focus due to their high efficiency and potential cost-effectiveness. The review discusses the varying efficiency of catalysts depending on the Pd state and content. It emphasizes that Pd clusters and nanoparticles (1–4 nm) on reducible supports show high promise.

The support material for Palladium catalysts plays a critical role in their performance. Supports with high reducibility enhance the catalyst’s activity and durability. The study highlights the necessity of selecting the right support material to maximize the catalyst’s efficiency in hydrogen storage and release.

Researchers have found that catalysts with low Pd content can still perform effectively with different LOHCs. This finding is essential for developing cost-effective solutions for hydrogen storage and transportation.

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