Kobe Steel Group, known as Kobelco, has embarked on a groundbreaking journey towards greener and more sustainable steel production. The company has initiated a demonstration test of a hybrid-type hydrogen gas supply system at its Takasago Works in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan.
Browsing: Pacific
Sydney Water, in collaboration with construction partner John Holland, is embarking on a groundbreaking 28-day trial of a hydrogen generator. This innovative move aims to revolutionize the way large-scale infrastructure projects are powered, potentially reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the carbon footprint of construction activities.
KBR has secured a pivotal license and engineering design contract from Hanwha Impact Corporation for a monumental project in the Republic of Korea.
Queensland’s renewable energy and green hydrogen hub, the HyNQ – North Queensland Clean Energy Project, has welcomed a significant player into its fold. Japanese firm IHI Corporation, renowned for its expertise in green ammonia technology aimed at decarbonizing industries, has entered the consortium, further fueling the project’s mission to revolutionize Australia’s energy landscape.
South Australia is positioning itself as a global leader in renewable energy with the introduction of a landmark bill aimed at streamlining the development of hydrogen and renewable energy projects.
Japanese industrial precious metals firm TANAKA Kikinzoku Kogyo K.K. has inked a technical assistance agreement with China’s Chengdu Guangming Paite Precious Metal Co., Ltd. The partnership is focused on advancing fuel cell electrode catalyst manufacturing technologies. The strategic alliance aligns with TANAKA’s goal to cater to China’s growing domestic demand for fuel cell electrode catalysts.
ReNu Energy Limited has applauded the Tasmanian government’s recent funding allocation aimed at boosting local green hydrogen capabilities, a significant step towards achieving commercial-scale green hydrogen production by 2025.
Australia’s Good Earth Green Hydrogen and Ammonia (GEGHA) project, aimed at producing green hydrogen for agricultural use, has secured a substantial funding boost of AUD 23.6 million (approximately EUR 14.1 million) from the New South Wales Government.
Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials, in collaboration with Hyundai Motor Company and Kia, has unveiled a groundbreaking achievement—the development of a hydrogen internal combustion engine tailored for passenger cars. This innovation marks a crucial leap forward in the pursuit of cleaner transportation solutions.
Professor Jihyun Hwang, from the Korea Institute of Energy Technology (KENTECH), unveiled the concept of offshore floating green hydrogen platforms, emphasizing its potential to enhance the utilization of offshore wind power plants and produce green hydrogen cost-effectively.