Hydrogen is a critical component of the energy revolution since it can be used to make automobiles more environmentally friendly, enable climate-friendly manufacturing processes in the industry, and store energy. The conversion of natural gas or biogas into hydrogen is a viable industrial option. The Montanuni Leoben is a company that creates relevant technology.

The idea of producing hydrogen from methane isn’t a new one. Since the turn of the twentieth century, scientists have been studying methane pyrolysis. With the use of heat, current processes transform methane and water into hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is discharged into the environment since it is useless, worsening the global greenhouse effect.

High yield, low energy usage

Methane pyrolysis, on the other hand, transforms methane to hydrogen and solid carbon. When compared to other methods of creating renewable hydrogen, the technique uses the least amount of energy while producing a high yield. Since 2020, the Montanuniversität Leoben has been developing pyrolysis technologies with industrial partners such as Voestalpine Stahl, Primetals Technologies Austria, Wien Energie, and RAG Austria, which should make it possible to obtain water and carbon CO2-neutral from a single source, according to Rector Wilfried Eichlseder, who was present during Minister Köstinger’s visit.

“The source element methane is broken down into water and carbon using several pyrolysis techniques with no emissions. “On the one hand, the storable and climate-neutral energy carrier hydrogen is obtained, and on the other hand, the important and currently scarce raw material carbon is obtained,” explained Peter Moser, who is in charge of Montanuni’s “Resources Innovation Center’s” neutral Extraction of carbon and hydrogen “from a single source.” “RIC (Research and Information Center)

As a by-product, elemental carbon is produced

“In comparison to alternative technologies, metal bath pyrolysis of methane represents an energetically favorable way of producing large quantities of hydrogen for industry, in which elementary carbon is also produced as a high-quality product that can be used in agriculture or the building materials industry, for example,” said Helmut Antrekowitsch of the Chair of Nonferrous Metallurgy.

“Raw materials are required for crisis security. Because not all raw resources are infinitely available everywhere, the Montanuniversität Leoben’s Resources Innovation Center is a significant institution whose work we support with three million euros “Minister Köstinger stated. The cash will be carried out over four years, from 2022 to 2029, and will total 450,000 euros each year.

Pyrolysis produces high-quality carbon, which is a useful raw resource for the long-term construction of building structures, batteries, computer chips, carbon fibers, and carbon-based structures and materials. They’re utilized in a variety of industries, including medical technology, aircraft, sports and leisure, and high-tech. Graphene is a carbon modification that Montanuni describes as a “future two-dimensional substance.” This material is ultra-thin, lightweight, stable, and conductive.

on a large scale

The group hopes to build up the methane pyrolysis process to a commercial level. The Montanuni is in charge of technological development and coordination. The industrial partners contribute essential data from their region for process-related parameters and product recycling, and they are in control of the pilot plant’s development and construction. Wien Energie supplies the input for utilizing hydrogen in the areas of transportation, energy, and heat generation.

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