Now it is time to gear up and fast-forward to the subject of natural hydrogen reconnaissance and exploration.
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The world is on the cusp of a new energy shift. Natural geologic hydrogen is not a hypothesis, but a future real asset that has gone unnoticed for years because of mistakes in exploration.
I recently revisited the cult movie “Dallas Buyers Club” (2013). The main character is a man who is given a death sentence by the system. The doctors give him 30 days to live, the bureaucracy suggests he accept it, and the pharmaceutical companies sternly point out, “Here’s the only right way, and everything else is dangerous delusions.”
The global energy landscape is gradually changing and natural geologic hydrogen could become a key player in the coming energy revolution. Unlike conventional hydrocarbons, hydrogen is a future that is only available to those who study the topic in depth.
Avalio Pty Ltd. support and promote the Primordially Hydridic Earth (PHE) concept by Dr. V. Larin, having had emerged in the 1960s as a continuation of Dr. F. Hoyle’s research.
Avalio Pty Ltd. support and promote the Primordially Hydridic Earth (PHE) concept by Dr. V. Larin, having had emerged in the 1960s as a continuation of Dr. F. Hoyle’s research.
Avalio Pty Ltd. support and promote the Primordially Hydridic Earth (PHE) concept by Dr. V. Larin, having had emerged in the 1960s as a continuation of Dr. F. Hoyle’s research.
Imagine a world where clean, renewable hydrogen is extracted directly from the ground, with virtually no CO₂ emissions and at a cost far below existing ways of producing it. Does it sound like science fiction?