In the quest to eliminate emissions from heavy transportation, Westport Fuel Systems is mounting a challenge to electric traction using batteries and hydrogen fuel cells.
The region’s energy, manufacturing, and transportation industries could undergo a revolution thanks to green hydrogen, which would turn it into a global center for the so-called “energy vector of the future.” However, there are certain significant obstacles to its ongoing deployment that must be considered.
According to the China National Coal Association, “green hydrogen,” accounted for only 1% of China’s hydrogen production in 2020 due to high costs and emerging technologies. Coal accounted for two-thirds of China’s hydrogen production, while natural gas-generated hydrogen, or “blue hydrogen,” accounted for the remaining 19%.
The discovery was based on a process that may be crucial in the future transportation of green hydrogen.
Green hydrogen becomes important in this setting if emerging nations are to lower their emission intensity while maintaining the pace of economic expansion, according to scientists.
Marsh says that “solar and wind projects don’t provide a lot of jobs on an ongoing basis.” But the manufacture of green hydrogen provides employment. a great deal more than if you construct battery manufacturing.
The Energy Cluster of the Valencian Community (CECV), the Technological Institute of Energy (ITE), and the Valencian SME Greene have created an innovative project that combines two energy-related topics of utmost importance, such as the production of energy from green hydrogen and the circular economy.
According to the International Energy Agency, 40% of all energy-related emissions worldwide last year came from power plants.
Holland Hydrogen I, an electrolysis project near the Port of Rotterdam, has received Shell’s final investment decision (FID), launching the growth of a sizable hydrogen industry in the Netherlands.
Through collaborative research with Chung-Ang University, the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials has been successful in developing an electrochemical hydrogen compressor that compresses hydrogen using an electrochemical reaction.