In 2022, the policy side vigorously encouraged hydrogen energy deployment, but “structural disagreements” upstream and downstream.
There have been some indications recently that the Earth’s interior may contain significant hydrogen concentrations.
Scientists from KBSU won the Russian Science Foundation competition that was organized as part of the “Priority-2030” initiative. The money was used to create cutting-edge materials for hydrogen storage and buildup.
The Westphalian University of Applied Sciences will establish the “H2 Solution Lab” as a futuristic hydrogen laboratory for hydrogen research with funding totaling about 42 million euros at its meeting on February 23rd, which is when the Structural Strengthening Council recommended funding for the first project in Gelsenkirchen.
Several investigations have suggested that particular groups of 2D materials, each only a few atoms thick, may be able to catalyze the water-splitting reaction. The so-called 2D Janus materials, whose two sides differ in their molecular make-up, are a particularly intriguing class.
The European Parliament’s Energy Committee has come out in favor of distinguishing between transmission and distribution system operators and against separating ownership of the hydrogen and gas network at the distribution network level. The Federal Government is urged by a coalition of organizations to take steps to guarantee that the Council adopts the European Parliament’s viewpoint.
Despite bold intentions, implementing a hydrogen economy could be extremely expensive and time-consuming, endangering the continent’s economic expansion and potentially impeding decarbonization efforts.
The global portfolio of projects for the production of “low-carbon” hydrogen, which are in various phases, was 71.4 million tons per year at the end of last year, according to the research firm Wood Mackenzie. This is comparable to the current global yearly hydrogen consumption.
The Indian Railways is preparing to issue tenders for the purchase of 35 trains running on clean fuel in an effort to hasten India’s transition to hydrogen trains. The cost of the deal has been estimated at Rs. 2,800 crores by insiders.
In order to maximize the potential for decarbonization throughout the metropolitan area, hydrogen specialists at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) are collaborating with the Port of Seattle, Seattle City Light, and Sandia National Laboratories to evaluate hydrogen storage risks.