Renewable Hydrogen: On-Site Production vs. Long-Distance Delivery

Hydrogen produced from renewable energy sources is increasingly seen as a vital component in Europe’s strategy to reduce carbon emissions. A recent study conducted by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) for the Clean Hydrogen Partnership highlights the environmental implications of different hydrogen production and delivery methods.


Under the visionary leadership of President Gabriel Boric and Minister of Energy Diego Pardow, Chile is leveraging its unique natural and institutional advantages to attract significant investments and build a future-proof industry.


The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy in India has recently issued an office memorandum, dated May 27, that exempts solar and wind energy plants from the Approved List of Models and Manufacturers (ALMM) and the Revised List of Models and Manufacturers (RLMM) requirements, provided these plants are dedicated to green hydrogen production.

Examining Roadmap for Hydrogen in Transportation Sector

Recent initiatives by car manufacturers underscore the renewed interest in utilizing hydrogen as fuel. However, realizing the vision of a hydrogen-powered future requires robust infrastructure and investment from diversified businesses, especially those in North Asia.