In order to create an H2-powered motorbike, the student-run MIT Electrical Vehicle Team (MIT EVT) has teamed up with Doosan Mobility Innovation (DMI), a developer of hydrogen fuel cell technologies.
EntX, an Adelaide-based renewable energy technology business, has been given permission to examine the potential for storing hydrogen at Elliston for their Western Eyre Green Hydrogen Project.
Researchers from the Regensburg University of Applied Sciences in Germany and LUT University in Finland investigated if seasonal hydrogen storage (SHS) could be a practical way to increase solar self-consumption in the future.
A kilowatt-scale pilot plant that can generate solar-powered heat and green hydrogen has been created by researchers.
Japan’s ambitious Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain (HESC) project, a $500m, decade-long plan to extract hydrogen from brown coal in Victoria, Australia, is at risk of failure due to demands for extra subsidies and a lack of long-term commitments from Japanese customers.
In the EnergyNews.Biz hydrail interviews series, we talked with Dr Holger Busche, scientific advisor for energy and traffic at the…
In the EnergyNews.Biz hydrail interviews series, we talked with Dr Holger Busche, scientific advisor for energy and traffic at the provincial parliament in Northern Germany and the federal Bundestag.
The heads of the Advanced Institute of Technology and Innovation (IATI), Brazil’s only centre specialized in scientific research on green hydrogen, claimed that this renewable energy source will drive an “energy revolution” in the world and that the future of the transition is in Brazil.
The Kingdom has the capacity to compete in the market for the production of green hydrogen at the lowest cost, up to $ 2.54 per kilogramme, in the city of Dakhla, according to a scientific study conducted by Moroccan researchers.
As part of the Green-QUEST project, University of Cape Town (UCT) students Carla Mathyse and Candace Eslick are investigating ways to harness green hydrogen to provide cleaner cooking fuel for low-income homes, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa.