Green hydrogen has been produced by splitting seawater without any prior treatment, according to research.
The EU project HyInHeat is studying hydrogen utilization in aluminum and steel.
German industry is losing ground to Chinese competitors in the future market for electrolysis equipment for the hydrogen economy, according to data from the German Economic Institute (IW).
Following the approval procedures, the “HyVillage (Hydrogen Village)” project, which will be Turkey’s first hydrogen field application, will be put into action.
The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) of the Federal Government has given ATCO Australia $800,000 to fund the creation of a renewable hydrogen export value chain from New South Wales (NSW) to Germany.
According to new data by Interact Analysis, the market for hydrogen vehicles is dominated by passenger automobiles. 90% of the 18,000 hydrogen-powered automobiles sold in 2021, it was discovered, were passenger cars.
The Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources “Turkey Hydrogen Technologies Strategy and Roadmap” plan states that green hydrogen generation will be increased in two stages through 2035 and until 2050. Green hydrogen, an environmentally friendly, clean, and renewable energy source, will be the focus.
Chemical engineers at Lausanne’s École Polytechnique Federale developed a translucent and porous electrode-based solar-powered artificial sheet.
Ensuring that the Netherlands is fossil gas-free by 2050 and CO2 neutral is difficult. A substantial energy transformation is needed.…
According to a research, there would be “unlikely” to be any substantial environmental repercussions from a proposed green hydrogen project in Barrow.