Green Hydrogen H2 News

According to a white paper released by the New & Renewable Energy Development Corporation Of A.P. Ltd (NREDCAP), the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh is setting its sights on a monumental goal – the production of at least 500 kilo-tonnes per annum (ktpa) of green hydrogen by 2030.

Green Hydrogen H2 News

In the race towards a cleaner and more sustainable energy future, hydrogen has emerged as a promising contender. Its potential as a clean energy source in a decarbonized society has sparked significant technological developments, including the construction of efficient liquefied hydrogen (LH2) carriers.

Green Hydrogen H2 News

Sinopec, the energy giant, recently unveiled a groundbreaking achievement in China’s quest for clean energy. The Xinjiang Kuqa green hydrogen demonstration project, the country’s largest photovoltaic power generation direct green hydrogen production initiative, has been successfully completed and is now operational.

Green Hydrogen H2 News

Green hydrogen, touted as the key to a sustainable energy future, might become significantly more affordable in Brazil. The cost of producing this renewable fuel could potentially drop by up to half, thanks to a combination of technical enhancements in projects and potential government incentives, according to a recent analysis by Clean Energy Latin America (CELA).

Green Hydrogen H2 News

Brazil is rapidly positioning itself as a formidable player in the global green hydrogen arena, thanks to a unique blend of abundant renewable resources and strategic advantages. Camila Ramos, CEO of Clean Energy Latin America (CELA), highlights that Brazil is already one of the most competitive countries for green hydrogen production. But what exactly sets Brazil apart in this renewable energy race?

Green Hydrogen H2 News

With the gradual expansion of renewable energy generation, Kalletal is emerging as a net exporter of electricity in its region. This growing surplus of clean energy is becoming the catalyst for a visionary undertaking – the production of hydrogen, a clean fuel that can drive diverse sectors like mobility and industry.