Browsing: hydrogen

Green Hydrogen H2 News

As the global call for sustainable and renewable energy sources intensifies, nations are forging innovative partnerships to enhance energy connectivity and reduce carbon emissions. In a groundbreaking collaboration, GRTgaz, the French Transmission System Operator (TSO), and OGE, its German counterpart, have reaffirmed their commitment to the hydrogen corridor project.

Green Hydrogen H2 News

As the world moves towards a greener future, innovative solutions for efficient energy storage and utilization have become crucial. In a groundbreaking development, Lausitz Energie Kraftwerke AG (LEAG), the largest private energy company in eastern Germany, has proposed an ambitious Power-to-X plant in Jänschwalde, Lusatia.

Green Hydrogen H2 News

As the world strives to transition to cleaner and sustainable energy sources, the hydrogen sector has emerged as a promising solution to decarbonize various industries. Companies like Plug Power are at the forefront of this transition, pioneering fuel cell technology to power vehicles and industrial applications.