The Decree implementing Investment 5.2 (M2C2) of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan was signed by Roberto Cingolani, Minister of Ecological Transition. The legislation makes 450 million euros available to fund initiatives targeted at improving the green hydrogen supply chain, which is a critical component of the industry, transportation, and the tertiary sector’s decarbonization efforts.

The Decree, which is currently being registered with the Court of Auditors, divides the PNRR’s resources among the various project lines identified for the construction of electrolyzer plants, which are machines that allow water molecules to be broken down into oxygen and hydrogen using clean energy from renewable sources.

The goal of Investment 5.2 is to establish an all-Italian supply chain by June 2026, with factories producing electrolyzers and related components with a total annual capacity of at least 1 gigawatt, to fulfill the demand for green hydrogen.

The Decree allocates 250 million to IPCEI projects (Important Projects of Common European Interest) for the construction of electrolyzer plants, and 200 million to additional projects that will be selected through public notices, aimed at the construction of both additional electrolyzer plants and plants for the production of components for electrolyzers.

Italy hopes to develop the hydrogen market and establish itself as a leader in a cutting-edge industry, resulting in the creation of new skills and employment.

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