Employees of Kuzbass State Technical University named after T.F. Gorbachev are creating a unique complex of “deep use” of waste, allowing to obtain electricity and thermal energy, as well as hydrogen and other valuable gases. RIA Novosti reports about it.

As explained by the developers of the system, in the terminology adopted by energy specialists, “deep utilization” means an approach in which a conventional fuel cycle is modified to produce some or other valuable substances. These are polygeneration systems that can be used to simultaneously produce heat, electricity, combustible gases, and other substances. Such complexes are characterized by their omnivorousness to fuel – with their help it is possible to process waste and biomass.

A unique polygeneration system is being created within the walls of KuzSTU, the estimated efficiency of which is 65-70%. In addition to heat and electricity, the system produces hydrogen and other valuable gases.

“Burning biomass heats steam, which rotates the generator turbine, after which it enters another zone of the boiler. Here there is additional heating, after which the gasification section is activated, where gases are produced from the same biomass. It is optimal to produce hydrogen, but we intend to create versions of the unit for other gases as well,” noted Sergey Shevyrev, associate professor of thermal power engineering department at KuzGTU Institute of Energy.

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