The city of Ulm, the Alb-Donau district, and the district of Reutlingen have been chosen as the locations for the implementation of a demonstration project titled “Green Hydrogen Model Region” (“Modellregion Grüner Wasserstoff”) by the Ministry for Environment, Climate, and Energy Management of Baden-Württemberg.

The Hy-FIVE project outline, developed in collaboration with the neighboring districts of Heidenheim, Tübingen, and Ostalb, will be supported by the state of Baden-Württemberg with funding of up to 33 million euros over the next few years as part of the ERDF program. As a result, two regions in the first HyLand phase, Reutlingen (HyStarter) and Ulm (HyExpert), will benefit from this investment.

The lofty aim of becoming carbon neutral does not appear to be possible without the use of hydrogen as an energy carrier. As a result, a consortium comprised of the city of Ulm, the Alb-Donau district, and the district of Reutlingen responded to the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Environment, Climate, and Energy Management’s call for funding for the implementation of a demonstration project titled “Green Hydrogen Model Region” (“Modellregion Grüner Wasserstoff”) with the project outline Hy-FIVE. The project outline, which was developed in collaboration with the neighboring districts of Heidenheim, Tübingen, and the Ostalb district, has now been chosen by the state of Baden-Württemberg from a total of nine applications within the framework of the EFRE program and will be funded with up to 33 million euros over the next three years. A huge number of organizations and enterprises from industry and science are supporting the application.

The collaborating municipal governments anticipate an economic benefit for the entire region, which already has extensive experience in the fields of hydrogen and fuel cell research and implementation. The practical production and application of “green” hydrogen, i.e., hydrogen produced in an environmentally acceptable manner, receives special attention.

With the “Green Hydrogen Model Region,” the potentials of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies will be made evident through an integrated strategy, resulting in increased demand for hydrogen as an energy carrier. Simultaneously, the demonstration project will serve as a model for other cities and areas in Baden-Württemberg.

The Hy-FIVE project contains non-investment project components in addition to investment project components such as improvements in the model region’s infrastructure. Public relations activities and measures to create public knowledge about “green hydrogen” are among the latter.

The consortium’s current plan is centered on four lighthouse projects spread over four regions. A decentralized strategy was purposefully chosen, allowing each partner to offer their own strengths:

(Project of Stadtwerke Ulm/Neu-Ulm GmbH in collaboration with the Centre for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research BW in Ulm (ZSW – Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoffforschung)) Production of green hydrogen based on hydropower and integration/use in existing tank and loading infrastructures.

Green hydrogen is being used in truck fuel cell drives in logistics, municipal vehicles, and public transportation – fleet testing and refueling infrastructure. (A collaboration between the Technical University of Ulm (THU), IVECO Magirus AG, and different haulage companies)

Construction of an industrial park in Schwäbisch Gmünd incorporating an 8.5 MW PEM water electrolysis plant as the foundation of a local hydrogen infrastructure with a future supraregional pipeline connection. (A project of the city of Schwäbisch Gmünd in collaboration with the district of Ostalb)

Development of a system for local and cross-grid hydrogen generation, storage, and transportation, as well as the most efficient use of hydrogen in towns, neighborhoods, industries, and families. (Reutlingen, Rottenburg, and Ulm Universities in collaboration with Stadtwerke Tübingen, FairNetz GmbH Reutlingen, FairEnergie GmbH Reutlingen, Stadtwerke Rottenburg, Stadtwerke Mössingen, AVAT GmbH, and other companies).

In addition, a regional office will be established to supervise the overall project, as well as to provide public relations and advisory services.

The current project concept envisions a total project volume of around 57 million euros. Within the current ERDF program, the state of Baden-Württemberg has guaranteed funding of approximately 33 million euros. The funding period in this case runs through 2027, and the project duration is projected to extend beyond that in individual sub-projects. The consortium will now finalize the details in the following months in close cooperation with the ministry as part of the procedure for a comprehensive application.

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