Vattenfall is working on a hydrogen demonstration project called Hydrogen Turbine 1 (HT1) at the Aberdeen Offshore Wind Farm in Scotland, which involves installing hydrogen production equipment on a wind turbine.

Marine Scotland has been tasked with conducting two pipeline route surveys as well as providing a screening opinion for an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

The developer applied for and was granted permission to conduct a pipeline route survey on a second route in August 2021.

The HT1 project would install an extended transition piece platform housing hydrogen production equipment on an existing offshore wind farm turbine. A subsea flowline transporting green hydrogen to the shore would connect the hydrogen-generating wind turbine to an onshore storage and offtake facility.

The Aberdeen Offshore Wind Farm, also known as the European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre (EOWDC), is Scotland’s largest offshore wind test and demonstration facility. It has been in operation since 2018.

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