Vestas has introduced low-wind variant suited for India’s wind market and expanded its production footprint in the country.

The global demand for sustainable energy solutions in low and ultra-low wind areas continues to grow as renewable technology improves in efficiency and cost.

This trend is especially prominent in India, the world’s fourth largest wind energy market, where the energy demand is expected to double and the government intends to add around 100 GW wind power in the predominantly low-wind market by 2030.

While the new turbine is globally applicable, it initially targets low and ultra-low wind condition projects in India and USA. It increases the turbine swept area by 67 percent in comparison to V120-2.2 MW, and with a large rotor to rating ratio, it improves the partial load production in low-wind conditions.

The V155-3.3 MW improves the annual energy production (AEP) by more than three percent for a 300 MW wind park with 46 fewer turbines, creating an improved level of business case certainty.

“With the introduction of the V155-3.3 MW wind turbine, Vestas is connecting our proven 4 MW platform technology with customized solutions to improve our customers’ business case in low and ultra-low wind conditions. With this product designed specifically to optimize energy production in low and ultra-low wind conditions, we are confident that we can bring enhanced value to our customers and partners in India and other suited markets”.

Thomas Scarinci, senior vice president of Product Management Vestas.

As the turbine will be predominantly locally manufactured and sourced in India, it reinforces Vestas’ existing commitment to the country’s growing renewable energy industry.

Vestas will increase its manufacturing footprint in India by establishing a new converter factory in Chennai and expanding its current blade factory in Ahmedabad.

“We have installed close to 4 GW of wind turbines in India over the last two decades and established a large production footprint, and we’re excited to leverage this as we support the government’s ambitions for renewable energy. With the introduction of the V155-3.3 MW turbine, we are able to offer improved energy production and business case certainty for our customers in India’s growing wind market. With the production ramp up in India, we anticipate increased employment across our existing hubs, underlining our commitment to better support our customers and drive the country’s renewable energy transition”.

Clive Turton, president of Vestas Asia Pacific.

With an optimised blade design and market specific towers up to 140m hub height, the turbine is designed to meet local transportation requirements. Built on the globally proven 4 MW platform, the V155-3.3 MW features a full-scale converter delivering excellent grid compliance, faster active and reactive power during dynamic frequency and voltage events.

With 35 GW of 4 MW platform turbines installed in 47 countries, the V155-3.3 MW has been developed within Vestas’ leading standards within design, testing and manufacturing, ensuring customer’s business case certainty.

Prototype installation is planned for the third quarter 2021, while serial production is expected by the first quarter of 2022.

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