Hydrogen technology is rapidly advancing, and securing funding is crucial for driving these innovations forward. Alex Zorniger from Power to Hydrogen (P2H2) recently shared invaluable insights on navigating the complexities of Department of Energy (DOE) funding, offering a glimpse into the strategies and processes that have propelled his company to success.

The journey to securing DOE funding begins with a Request for Information (RFI). This initial step helps gauge interest and gather preliminary ideas. Following this, the concept paper stage requires a brief submission outlining key project details. If the concept is well-received, it leads to a more detailed proposal.


Successful grant proposals hinge on several factors: a strong team, innovative ideas, and a clear alignment with DOE objectives. Building a compelling case requires demonstrating the project’s potential impact and its fit within the broader goals of the DOE. Securing DOE funding isn’t just about having a great project; it’s also about building strong relationships with DOE officials and partners.

Carefully selecting grant opportunities is vital. Companies must maintain focus on commercial product development and avoid overextending their resources. Larger proposals often require a team effort, incorporating diverse expertise to cover all necessary aspects of the project.

Collaboration with partners enhances project capabilities by leveraging different strengths and expertise. This collaborative approach promotes more robust and innovative outcomes, driving progress in hydrogen technology. Effective accounting and auditing systems are essential for compliance when managing government funds. Flexibility in project milestones can accommodate the inherent risks in R&D, with options for no-cost extensions available to ensure project continuity.

DOE hub projects aim to spur large-scale hydrogen technology adoption through significant funding and collaboration. These projects are pivotal in accelerating the transition to a hydrogen economy.

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