FineBesteel to develop hydrogen control technology with AI

Using artificial intelligence (AI), Fine Besteel, a Busan-based maker of shipbuilding equipment, has begun to develop technology to control cryogenic gases like hydrogen and ammonia.

At the Fine Building in Sasang-gu, Busan, on the 17th, FineBesteel and Nexus Gas, Autosemantics, and Infoin signed a strategic alliance and cooperative project promotion agreement for the creation of a “AI-based smart monitoring solution (NEXUSTM) related to cryogenic gas.” revealed a contract it had signed

A company called NEXUSTM uses artificial intelligence and virtualization (Digital Twin) technology to provide a system that integrates the effectiveness of facility management and fire safety/disaster information based on all kinds of data gathered from plant facilities.

Hydrogeit Verlag launches hydrogen platform

Hydrogeit Verlag is extending its present range in response to the tremendous contemporary interest in hydrogen and fuel cell technologies.

Since it went live on May 16, the new Internet platform has expanded to provide a wide range of information on hydrogen and fuel cell technology, energy storage, electromobility, and alternative motors.
Sven Geitmann, Dipl.-Ing., has been working in the hydrogen and fuel cell fields since 1997 as the founder and proprietor of Hydrogeit Verlag.

He has amassed a vast array of material on sustainable energy problems throughout the years, both in print and online, that is clear and comprehensive.

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