Under the slogan “Experience hydrogen,” the state of Tyrol bought a modern hydrogen vehicle in 2019 and gave it to Wasser Tirol.
The goal is to increase public awareness of hydrogen mobility. According to energy consultant LHStv Josef Geisler, “after a lean period during the epidemic, this order was delivered in 2022 in an exceptional manner.”
In 26 events last year, more than 800 students explored hydrogen mobility and the Tyrolean energy policy “Tyrol 2050 energy autonomous.” A test drive in the hydrogen vehicle took place at the conclusion. It is difficult to predict whether fuel cell technology will win out in individual passenger transportation. Only nine hydrogen vehicles are now on the road in Tyrol. Hydrogen is viewed as a viable future technology for truck and bus transportation. Rupert Ebenbichler, Managing Director of Wasser Tirol, asserts that “in any case, our hydrogen automobile is a door opener for debates about the future of mobility, the energy system, and the energy transition.”
Additionally, Wasser Tirol has conducted field research on heating and transportation systems using school events, with some unexpected outcomes: While three-quarters of the heating systems in the classes in the Innsbruck/Schwaz conurbation are powered by oil and gas, 90% of the students in two classes at the Bundesrealgymnasium Lienz already heat their homes using renewable energy sources. In addition, East Tyrol has a relatively high percentage of electric automobiles. In the households of the two East Tyrolean school classes, 8% of the vehicles are electric.
The fuel cell car was also hired for test rides lasting one or more days on 145 occasions. Presentations at trade show frequently lead to rentals.