The Hydrogen Alliance in Costa Rica is promoting the formation of a working group around the project: “Law for the Promotion and Implementation of a Green Hydrogen Economy (HV2) in Costa Rica”, in order to achieve a feasibility that allows a prompt vote in second debate of this file.
According to the group, the proposal will bring benefits for all people, among them that the development of the industry could generate between 84 thousand and 220 thousand jobs by 2050, while the chemical industry would grow up to 54%, according to studies conducted by the Alliance.
They argue that hydrogen is used around the world with successful results, demonstrating that it is a consolidated technology with great opportunities for Costa Rica.
“We are convinced that the deployment of Green Hydrogen has great potential for the development of human talent, the creation of jobs, the generation of economic growth and the promotion of technological innovation,” said Juan Guillermo Murillo, coordinator of the Hydrogen Alliance.
He added: “The work table that we encourage to be formed, will open a space of suitable participation to deepen in the aspects that are required to implement for the establishment of this technology”.
Hydrogen potential
During the last decade, and with greater momentum in the last four years, multiple efforts have been made in the country to deepen -from the scientific, technical, political and economic point of view- the great potential and the great opportunities offered to incorporate H2V as an additional and complementary technology that contributes to the efforts of decarbonization and recovery of the economy.
Last April, with the approval in first debate of the initiative, the former Liberal Party deputy Paola Valladares, commented: “Undoubtedly, green hydrogen will be a key element in the path towards the decarbonization of our economy, taking advantage of the potential of renewable energies and our electricity matrix. In addition, it represents a great opportunity for innovation that can position the country as a forerunner in this energy sector worldwide”.
Also the former Social-Christian deputy Erwen Masis had said: “This initiative is visionary and would position Costa Rica as a hotbed of technologies and pilot projects at scale in green hydrogen”.
Cargo ship to run on hydrogen
This technology is also being used at Punta Morales in Puntarenas to build a wooden cargo ship that will run on hydrogen and sails. About 50 people are working on this venture that aims to offer ships with zero carbon dioxide emissions.
Francisco Nicolás, deputy of Liberación Nacional, unveiled the project, whose first example will sail Costa Rican seas in less than two years with organic and sustainable Costa Rican products.
It will transport 300 tons and will be called Ceiba. “This type of initiatives not only have to be supported, but also replicated, in Puntarenas there is plenty of biological wealth and also talent”, Nicolás emphasized.