To promote the Zero Emission Speed Shuttle (ZESST) and enter the Japanese market, e5 Lab and Almatech have teamed up.

Almatech has developed the ZESST, a hydrogen-fueled, electric-powered, zero-emission passenger shuttle vessel. On May 19, 2021, at the Swiss Embassy in Japan and EPFL Innovation Park, the partnership was signed via video conference.

ZESST was developed over a three-year period by Almatech engineers who have worked on space technology development and naval architecture for more than 12 years. The hydrogen-fueled shuttle is outfitted with lithium-ion batteries and high-efficiency hydrogen fuel cells.

The energy consumption per passenger/cruising range is about a fifth of that of traditional diesel-powered ships. The hull structure, which is made of new-generation composites made of plant-based fibers, reduces the vessel’s environmental impact even more.

ZESST combines speed, comfort, and safety while using no fossil fuels, emitting zero GHGs, SOx, NOx, or PMs, and producing minimal noise.

As a maritime nation, Japan is expected to adopt it as the next generation of maritime Mobility as a Service (MaaS).

Based on a modularized core system, the design can be adapted to vessels of various sizes (50-400 passengers).

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