Author: Anela Dokso

Green Hydrogen H2 News

Terry Kallis canceled a 6-gigawatt green hydrogen project in May. His Kallis Energy Investments lacked water. It’s one of 680 large-scale hydrogen projects being considered throughout the world, according to the Hydrogen Council, which estimates $700 billion is needed by 2030 to reach net-zero emissions targets. BP, Fortescue Metals and Reliance Industries are leading the march towards green hydrogen, made from renewable energy rather than carbon-emitting fossil fuels. It helped Fortescue gain a stock-market premium. Water is rarely mentioned in producers’ utterances. That raises fears they’re neglecting hazards or underestimating how much they’ll need, the hurdles of acquiring it, and…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

The new funding call “Electrochemical Materials and Processes for Green Hydrogen and Green Chemistry” has been released by the Federal Ministries of Education and Research (BMBF) and Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) (ECCM). They are seeking suggestions for research projects in the areas of electrochemical materials and processes for green hydrogen and green chemistry in collaboration with the Dutch Research Council. The goals of the joint initiatives between German and Dutch partners are to combine their respective strengths. Therefore, they should create novel and useful techniques and solutions for green chemistry and hydrogen. Partners from research through industry to end…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

A combined feasibility study for the creation of a green hydrogen supply chain in Europe will be carried out by the Spanish infrastructure investment firm Reganosa, the European bulk liquid storage firm Rubis Terminal, and the Japanese industrial conglomerate Sojitz. The H2Pole project, the first regional hydrogen project ever designated as a “Strategic Industrial Project,” is being developed by Reganosa. It will consist of a green hydrogen production facility situated in the Galicia region of northwest Spain. The company will focus on regional consumers in its first operational phase in 2025. In a subsequent phase, the H2Pole Project plans to…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

An electrolyser is being supplied and installed by Logan Energy at a wastewater treatment facility in Cambridgeshire. Logan Energy, a leader in hydrogen technology, has been selected to play a pivotal part in a groundbreaking project aimed at reducing the carbon emissions linked to wastewater treatment operations. This is regarded as an industry first. As part of a project spearheaded by Anglian Water, the largest water operator in terms of geographic scope in England and Wales, Logan Energy, located in East Lothian, will supply and construct an electrolyser at a wastewater treatment facility in Cambridgeshire. Logan Energy was chosen to…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

According to the Renewable Hydrogen Coalition, there are five impediments preventing the development of a green hydrogen ecosystem in Europe, practically all of them are related to the expansion of renewable energy (RHC). The formation of value chains, talents, regulations, and fair competition are some examples of ones. Permissions for renewable energy projects that generate green hydrogen are at the top of the list. The EU is pressing member states to adopt “renewables go-to-areas” in an effort to reduce permits to one year for wind and solar projects, which traditionally take six to nine years in European nations. Second, Europe…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

To build the “world’s first” zero-emission multi-fuel station (ZEMFS) for electric and hydrogen-powered ships, the UK government is providing financing to a partnership. The innovative station, which is anticipated to go into operation at the Port of Tyne in the UK by March 2025, intends to employ liquid hydrogen as the foundation for three different fueling methods for small craft: liquid hydrogen, compressed gaseous hydrogen, and electric charging. Although the consortium has said that the ZEMFS is “completely scalable” to fuel any size vessel and is adaptable to any port, the pilot project will concentrate on finding a solution to…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

The Kosice Technical University has welcomed a preliminary working session intended to introduce the idea of a regional center of significance for Europe called the Kosice Valley of Hydrogen Aviation. More than six European countries’ representatives from the scientific and research community, business, and regional government were welcomed to the University Science Park TECHNICOM by the event’s organizers, the initiative’s principal partners, and the Faculty of Aeronautics of the Technical University in Kosice. The directors of the joint ventures for Clean Aviation and Clean Hydrogen gave presentations in the main portion, outlining their organizations’ goals and offering suggestions for regional…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

The Dutch national recovery and resilience plan received a favorable evaluation from the European Commission, which was welcomed by the economy and finance ministers. On approving this proposal, the Council made its implementing decision. The national recovery and resilience plans were evaluated by the European Commission before the Council made its decision. These plans must adhere to the country-specific suggestions for 2019 and 2020 and represent the EU’s overarching goals of building a greener, more digital, and more competitive economy. Some of the country-specific 2022 suggestions that were approved by the Council in July 2022 are also addressed in the…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

In order to speed up the construction of a green hydrogen and green energy import facility in Germany, Fortescue Future Industries (FFI) and energy infrastructure developer Tree Energy Solutions (TES) have formed a global strategic partnership. The €130 million (US$127 million) investment will be financed by FFI’s unused capital commitment and gives FFI a chance to get access to vital infrastructure for carrying out its agenda. In accordance with the agreement, FFI subsidiary Netherlands Fortescue Future Industries Holdings B.V. will invest €30 million (US$29 million) to become a shareholder in Tree Energy Solutions B.V., as well as €100 million (US$98…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

Power Systems, a division of Rolls-Royce, will collaborate with SOWITEC to supply power to X projects by 2028 with a maximum electrolysis capacity of 500 megawatts. The power produced by the plants will be used to power mtu electrolysers to manufacture hydrogen using renewable energy sources. This clean hydrogen may be utilized to create industrial feedstock, sustainable e-fuels for the maritime, aviation, agricultural, mining, and data center industries, as well as fuel for fuel cells and hydrogen engines. In addition to experience with hydrogen ecosystems and the simulation, design, and optimization of decentralized energy supply systems, Rolls-Royce brings a wide…

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