Author: Anela Dokso

Green Hydrogen H2 News

Researchers at the University of California, Santa Cruz, came up with a cheap way to make a lot of hydrogen fuel. They used the reactivity of aluminum to do it. Scientists have been trying to figure out how to use aluminum’s ability to remove oxygen from water molecules to make hydrogen gas for a long time now. A new study in Applied Nano Materials shows how the team of researchers made gallium and aluminum nanoparticles that react quickly with water to make hydrogen. They did this by making a cheap composite of gallium and aluminum, which they then used to…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

Moray Council in Scotland has hired Mott MacDonald to work on its hydrogen strategy. By 2030, Moray Council wants to be carbon neutral, and by 2045, it wants to be carbon-free. The hydrogen strategy will be a big part of both of these goals. The strategy, which is partly funded by the Highlands and Islands Executive (HIE), will also look into ways for businesses in Moray, like the whisky and offshore renewables industries, to use hydrogen as a source of energy. The strategy will help the Council think about its future energy needs and show how hydrogen can be a…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

As part of the global green hydrogen revolution, Hexagon AB and The Hydrogen Utility (H2U), a have signed a strategic partnership agreement. This means that Hexagon will help H2U provide best digital asset management solutions in support of the global green hydrogen revolution. H2U’s unique plant designs for green hydrogen and green ammonia are part of the partnership. Hexagon has a lot of experience with integrating digital ecosystems into industrial facilities. The ability to make engineering and operational digital twins that are compatible with new global standards for information management is very important for supporting the rapid deployment scenarios needed…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

myFC has been able to make business contacts and start commercial projects in Asia and Europe. As a result of these successes, the company is now expanding into the North American market with the same commercialization strategy. This is done in conjunction with the Swedish Energy Agency’s (Energimyndigheten) accelerator program, which can grant up to SEK 600,000 in grants. Intralogistics and soft mobility are mostly driven by how much people buy, and the North American market (led by the United States) will be the world’s biggest by 2020, according to the World Bank Open Data. In addition, a lot of…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

Is green hydrogen the key to a future energy system that is carbon-free? Prof. Craig Buckley of Curtin University’s Hydrogen Storage Research Group appears on the new episode of the podcast to discuss how he is working to make green hydrogen a viable energy source in the future.

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

The Gold Hydrogen Program, a group of organizations that want to make this clean energy source more common, announced that it was starting and that a pilot microbial Gold Hydrogen Process was ready to start making Gold Hydrogen for the first time. Cemvita Factory and Chart Industries are two of the founding members of the program, which aims to make clean, gold hydrogen commercially available. EXP and the Center for Houston’s Future are two of the other collaborators. Hydrogen can be found in nature or made, and when it is burned, the only thing that comes out is water. A…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

A PEM Electrolyser from H-TEC SYSTEMS will be used to make green hydrogen as part of the Renewable Gasfield development project. The emission-free energy carrier will be used directly for cars, or it will be fed into the grid as “green gas” and used there. As a bonus, the green hydrogen will also be used by businesses in the area. As much as 70 tons of hydrogen will come from the plant every year. A Styrian mining company will get that amount of hydrogen from the plant. As time goes on, the company wants to make its work even more…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

Turkey will build the country’s first green hydrogen plant in the city of Balkesir, the South Marmara Development Agency said. When the Green Hydrogen Plant was built, it had a cooperation protocol that was signed by people from the GMKA, Enerjisa Üretim, Eti Maden, TÜBITAK’s Marmara Research Center, and Aspilsan Energy, the GMKA said. The production and use of green hydrogen, which has the best chance of replacing fossil fuels with existing technologies on the way to 100% energy transformation, began at Enerjisa’s Bandrma plant. Southern Marmara is the best place to try to get the hydrogen economy back on…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

Nepal’s Minister for Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation, Pampha Bhusal was presented with a report on Friday from a committee that studied how electricity demand and supply could be balanced by producing hydrogen energy using electric energy. Bhusal was given a copy of a report by the secretary of the Water and Energy Commission Secretariat. Nepal has been advised to move forward by drafting a legal framework for green hydrogen regulation in the report. Seven members of a seven-person study committee were formed by the ministry on November 17, 2021, under the leadership of the Water and Energy Commission Secretariat’s…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

SoCalGas intends to build the nation’s largest green hydrogen energy infrastructure system (the “Angeles Link”) to provide the Los Angeles region with clean, reliable renewable energy. The Angeles Link, as proposed, would encourage the use of more renewable energy sources such as solar and wind, while also reducing greenhouse gas emissions from electric generation, industrial processes, heavy-duty trucks, and other hard-to-electrify sectors of the Southern California economy. The proposed Angeles Link would also help California and the region meet their climate and clean air goals by reducing demand for natural gas, diesel, and other fossil fuels in the LA Basin.…

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