Author: Anela Dokso

Green Hydrogen H2 News

The Netherlands is saving stranded pipelines by supplying them with hydrogen. Most natural gas production will cease this year, forcing NV Nederlandse Gasunie to find new uses for its 15,000 km of pipes. The state-owned company is researching how to transport, produce, and store hydrogen over the next decade as the EU seeks to green its economy. Groningen, home to Europe’s largest gas field, was shut down after decades of exploration and pumping caused earthquakes. Demand will also decline as the government commits to halving greenhouse gas emissions this decade. Gasunie now has 9,321 miles of pipe to fill, idle,…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

In recent years, billions of pounds have been invested in hydrogen vehicles, which could help reduce emissions from some of the most polluting vehicles on UK roads. Many recent investments have focused on hydrogen fuel cell technology, with governments, organizations, and automakers all pledging funds to the promising technology. Bosch plans to invest £800 million in the development of hydrogen fuel cells and trucks, estimating that the market will be worth £15.2 billion by the end of the decade. This comes on top of the UK government’s £23 million commitment to the Hydrogen for Transportation Program. Hyundai has also put…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

China has set a goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2060, but it is unclear how it will accomplish this. According to a recent report by oil and gas multinational Royal Dutch Shell, focusing on hydrogen, biofuels, and carbon-removal technologies while phasing out fossil fuels is one way China could build a carbon-neutral energy system before 2060. According to the report, the share of electricity in China’s energy consumption is expected to rise to nearly 60% in 2060, up from 23% today, with buildings, light industry, and road transport all relying heavily on electricity. The forecast is similar to one…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

In Wilhelmshaven, a Belgian investor wants to build an import terminal for synthetic methane from the Middle East. Methane will be converted into hydrogen. The Atlasinvest investor group’s project, according to the Lower Saxony Ministry of Economic Affairs, is a great opportunity for the coast. For a long time, the state government has been in contact with investors. A total of 2.5 billion euros will be invested, according to the report. Gas with a 25-terawatt-hour energy content will be delivered there starting in 2027, allowing for the production of half a million tons of hydrogen. The project, according to Lower…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

The cause of a fire in a hydrogen transport vehicle in Korea last month was discovered to be a brake system malfunction rather than hydrogen. For safe hydrogen transportation, it was suggested that safety standards be developed, such as changing the direction of the hydrogen outlet and strengthening the heat shield of the hydrogen container. The Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy held a meeting with the hydrogen transportation industry at NK Ether in Gangseo-gu, Busan, to share the findings of a recent hydrogen-carrying vehicle fire accident investigation and to demand thorough safety management. A fire broke out on the…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

Participants in the debate “Hydrogen is the Fuel of the Future” in Warsaw on January 21 discussed the development of the green hydrogen economy. According to Ireneusz Zysky, State Secretary of Poland’s Ministry of Climate and Environment, Poland has the potential to be a global leader and beneficiary of this transformation. He recalled that Poland is currently ranked third in the European Union and fifth in the world in terms of hydrogen production. Process hydrogen, on the other hand, is produced and consumed in technological processes, such as by the Azoty group or fuel companies. The European Commission intends to…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

One of the main pillars of the European green transition is transportation decarbonization. For years, both politicians and businesses in the EU have been taking steps in this direction, and the pace has accelerated significantly in the last few years. The eternal question in the electrification and hydrogenation of transportation, both before and now, is “which comes first: the egg or the hen?” But in this case, the question is “which should be prioritized first: the increase in electric vehicles or the expansion of the range of electric and hydrogen charging stations?” The issue is particularly important when it comes…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

The first contract for the supply of hydrogen produced at the Oskarshamn nuclear power plant was signed by the Swedish energy company OKG AB. Linde Gas AB is the client. The first shipment is expected to arrive in the first quarter of this year. Electrolysis is used to produce hydrogen at the Oskarshamn NPP; production began in 1992 for the plant’s own needs. The hydrogen production capabilities at the plant are not being used to their full potential because units No. 1/2 were finally shut down in 2016-2017. To change the situation, commercial contracts for the supply of hydrogen to…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

Within 30 years, the Australian government promotes to reach nearly $70 billion in green hydrogen exports and domestic use, promoting decarbonization. Despite Australia’s extensive reliance on coal in recent years, Canberra is facing internal pressures as a result of voices in support of the transition to clean energy, as well as a trend in several industries to rely on renewable energy sources and green hydrogen. Australia has the technologies to produce it using renewable energy sources (which is an obstacle that other countries face), which could propel it to a huge profit. With its abundant renewable energy resources and ports…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

A historic first has been signed by Australia in the hydrogen field. Hydrogen is seen as the future oil. Australia’s ‘ship of the future’ is en route to Japan with the world’s first commercial shipment of supercooled liquid hydrogen. The hydrogen industry is expected to be more profitable and competitive than the oil and natural gas industry, according to reports. State leaders from all over the world are debating, planning, and finally settling on specific hydrogen-related policies. Strategies for exporting hydrogen and facilitating cross-border hydrogen trade are highlighted. The next phase of a $500 million hydrogen energy supply chain (HESC)…

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