Author: Anela Dokso

Green Hydrogen H2 News

Pilot Energy, APA Group and Warrego Energy have formed a consortium to undertake and jointly fund Pilot’s Mid West Blue Hydrogen and CCS Feasibility Study. The Feasibility Study is forecast to complete in the first quarter of CY2022. Blue Hydrogen projects require expertise and collaboration from across the energy industry. Pilot has established the Consortium, which represents the key components of a BlueHydrogen project: • APA Group – Infrastructure• Pilot Energy – Carbon Management• Warrego Energy – Natural gas supply The Consortium will participate in and jointly fund the Feasibility Study with a focus on the Blue Hydrogen technology, regional…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

The gas-powered engines from MAN Energy Solutions are hydrogen-ready and can operate in stationary mode with a hydrogen content of up to 25% by volume in a gas-fuel mix. It is now possible to significantly cut CO2 emissions by using hydrogen in the company’s gas engines. EUGINE’s H2-readiness standard requires MAN gas engines to achieve the Level B requirements of the EUGINE standard. Gunnar Stiesch, from MAN Energy Solutions, claimed that “flexible and decentralized, gas-fired power plants will play a vital role for a secure power supply on the route toward 100% renewable energy.” Future possibilities for hydrogen fueling up…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

In order to remove pathogens, wastewater treatment is essential, but it requires a lot of energy. Researchers from WMG, University of Warwick, have been able to overcome the challenge of treating it more sustainably by employing recycled carbon fiber mats to manufacture hydrogen from waste water.

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

The Olga project has announced that an electrolyzer and related storage and distribution equipment will be installed at Malpensa airport to assure the supply of green hydrogen. Malpensa has the potential to become Italy’s first major center for the production and use of green hydrogen between 2023 and 2024. A total of €3.5 million has been provided by the EU to Olga’s Italian business partners, with €1.54 million going to the Milanese airport company SEA and €1.1 million to SNAM. Interuniversity Consortium ICOOR, the Lombardy Ticino Valley Park (Parco Lombardo Valle del Ticino), the Cotton and Clothing Textile Center (Consorzio…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

Emerald Coaches has decided to replace its diesel-powered buses with hydrogen-powered ones. Emerald Coaches has established a goal of reaching net zero emissions by 2040, which is 10 years ahead of the federal government’s current target of 2050. In addition to being “the right thing to do,” company director Michael Baulch said it was also a wise financial choice. Battery electric or hydrogen fuel cell electric were Baulch’s choices when looking at net zero vehicles. It was more cost-effective and easier for the corporation to create its own hydrogen this way. The depot in Emerald, 270 kilometres west of Rockhampton,…

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Green Hydrogen H2 News

An unanticipated hydrogen gas supply constraint has forced Höganäs, Sweden, to close its metal powder production in Niagara Falls, New York, which has resulted in the loss of 33 full-time workers. An automotive and aircraft brake pad manufacturer, food fortification company, and water treatment company, Höganäs produces metal powder in its Niagara Falls facility. A full shutdown of the Niagara Falls plant is scheduled for December 1. In August 2021, Höganäs’ long-term hydrogen gas provider stated with short notice that they were closing, resulting in the facility’s hydrogen gas supply being eliminated. In order to minimize the consequences and find…

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