Author: Arnes Biogradlija

Spain Injects Renewable Hydrogen in Gas Network

A Spanish infrastructure company, Redexis, announced a significant milestone for Spain’s energy sector. The Madrid-based firm has started injecting hydrogen, produced from renewable energy sources, into the country’s natural gas network through Spain’s first dedicated hydrogen pipeline.

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Equinor and RWE Halt Hydrogen Export Plan

Norwegian energy company Equinor and its partner RWE have recently announced decision to halt ambitious plan to export hydrogen to Germany. This project aimed to facilitate the transportation of low-carbon hydrogen from Norway to Germany, intending to aid Europe’s largest economy in reducing its dependence on fossil fuels. The primary reason for terminating the project centers around the economic feasibility and market readiness for significant hydrogen imports. According to Equinor, the current market conditions do not support large-scale hydrogen exports, making the project non-viable. Despite halting the export plans, Equinor remains committed to hydrogen as part of its energy strategy.…

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