With the clearance of the A$983 million Fitzroy to Gladstone water pipeline, Queensland’s emerging hydrogen industry has gained momentum.

In the Gladstone region, where industry currently generates A$6 billion in gross regional product annually, the Fitzroy to Gladstone Pipeline will provide water security.

The Fortescue Future Industries hydrogen electrolyser manufacturing facility, Mitsubishi Gas’ proposal for a hydrogen-to-green methanol plant, the Stanwell/Iwatani Central Queensland Hydrogen Project, Orica and H2U’s proposed green ammonia plant, and Rio Tinto and Sumitomo’s proposed hydrogen plant are among the hydrogen proponents under development with future water requirements.

The approval of the infrastructure is also in line with the Bradfield Report’s recommendations, which was written by the Bradfield Regional Assessment and Development Panel under contract to the Queensland government.

The state government appointed the Gladstone Area Water Board in August 2021 to carry out pre-construction activities for the pipeline. These activities included carrying out procurement tasks, handling land access issues, and identifying long lead time items to ensure construction readiness for the pipeline.

Construction has begun, and a late 2026 completion date is anticipated.

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