A contract for the Green Hydrogen Production Support Program was signed between the Environmental Fund and the security firm HEN-Serviços Energetics.

The ceremony was held last week at Lisbon’s Water Museum. The construction of a hydraulic power plant in Seia that produces and stores green hydrogen (H2) with the goal of “injecting H2 into the natural gas network and supplying hydrogen fuel pumps” will be the result of the investment of more than EUR 32 million over the course of two years, which has secured a lost fund co-financing of EUR 2 million.

Heavy vehicles that are also powered by this fuel will deliver hydrogen and provide two charging pumps that are situated in the Central area “due to the ease of access of the A23, A25, and A400 motorways and proximity to the Border with Spain,” the business emphasizes. HEN – Serviços Energetics hopes to generate more indirect jobs with this project in the heartland of the nation.

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