Browsing: Technology

INNIO to Power RAG Hydrogen Cogeneration Plant with Hydrogen Engine Tech

RAG Austria AG (RAG) and INNIO Group (INNIO) have joined forces to deploy innovative hydrogen engine technology in Gampern, Upper Austria. This groundbreaking project aims to power a hydrogen cogeneration plant that will play a pivotal role in the energy transition, ensuring a stable supply of green energy year-round.


In an exciting development for the world of hydrogen energy, a team of scientists from Tomsk Polytechnic University has unveiled a cutting-edge automated complex. This innovation has the potential to revolutionize the creation of new materials crucial for the hydrogen energy sector.

HPS Home Power Solutions Unleashes Hydrogen Power for Homes

HPS Home Power Solutions AG has recognized this need and introduced an impressive upgrade to its Picea system. The Picea 2, a hydrogen-based electricity storage solution designed for residential use, promises to be a game-changer in the world of home energy storage.


Universal Hydrogen, a leader in hydrogen fuel services, has reached a significant milestone in the world of sustainable aviation. The company recently completed an operational demonstration at Toulouse Airport, showcasing its unique modular hydrogen capsule technology and an innovative hydrogen fueling logistics solution.


Green Hydrogen Systems and BioCirc have recently inked a Letter of Intent, signifying their cooperation in the testing and supply of a 6MW pressurized alkaline electrolyser. This collaboration carries the potential to revolutionize the landscape of hydrogen production and is a significant stride toward a more sustainable energy future.


The French government has taken a significant step towards accelerating the adoption of cleaner, greener transportation technologies by simplifying retrofit regulations. In a move aimed at expanding the possibilities and broadening the scope of retrofits, hydrogen engines have received a green light, potentially transforming the landscape of the automotive industry.