Core Pacific filed a patent for an innovative ionization chamber designed to enhance hydrogen generation within a water filtration system.

The inventors behind this technology aim to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of water filtration by integrating advanced ion exchange methodologies.

The patent, titled “Ionization Chamber for Use with a Water Filtration System,” outlines a comprehensive design involving several crucial components housed within a single structure. These elements include:

– A first and a second electrode
– A brine chamber
– A filtered water chamber
– An ion exchange membrane positioned between the brine and filtered water chambers

The housing of the ionization chamber features specific ingress and egress points:
– The first ingress for passing filtered water
– The second ingress for passing brine from a reverse osmosis filter
– The first egress for hydrogenated water
– The second egress for brine discharge

Features and Technological Improvements

One of the standout features of this ionization chamber is its ability to pass hydrogen ions from the brine to the filtered water using an ion exchange membrane. This process is facilitated by applying electrical charges to the electrodes, a significant improvement over existing technologies that often lack efficient ion transfer mechanisms.

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