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Green Hydrogen H2 News

The Rise Fund, an investment fund managed by TPG, is investing in the hydrogen business in Spain through its company Matrix Renewables. The group has reached an agreement with the Spanish group Rolwind Renovables to create Hyren, a platform that will focus on the development of green hydrogen projects in Spain.

Green Hydrogen H2 News

The Association of Municipal Companies (VKU) in Germany has raised concerns over the feasibility of the government’s plans to switch to hydrogen gas networks in 2024. VKU Managing Director Ingbert Liebing has warned that the “rigid specifications” in the current draft of the Building Energy Act (GEG) could lead to a failure of the heat transition plans of the Federal Government. Liebing criticized the “rigid requirements” for around 500 municipal utilities with regard to gas and district heating, which he believes are counterproductive and have the opposite effect.