Browsing: REGIONAL

Green Hydrogen H2 News

The UK is gearing up for a green revolution in its heavy goods vehicle (HGV) sector with the launch of the HyHAUL project, an ambitious undertaking led by Protium, the country’s largest green hydrogen energy company. This groundbreaking initiative, backed by more than £30 million from the Department for Transport and Innovate UK, aims to accelerate the decarbonization of the UK’s HGV fleet, a sector responsible for 19% of domestic transport emissions.

Green Hydrogen H2 News

French Transmission System Operator (TSO) GRTgaz and the French airport authority Groupe ADP have joined hands to explore the possibility of transporting hydrogen via pipelines to Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Paris-Orly airports. This groundbreaking endeavor seeks to revolutionize the way airports handle their energy needs and reduce carbon emissions.