Browsing: Americas

Hydrogen's Potential to Transform Minnesota's Iron Range

A native of Hoyt Lakes is spearheading the Heartland Hydrogen Hub, a regional hydrogen fuel partnership with transformative potential for Minnesota’s Iron Range. Tom Erickson, the president and chief operating officer of the Heartland Hydrogen Hub, sees hydrogen as a key player in reshaping the region’s industrial landscape.

Bipartisan Bills Promote Hydrogen in Heavy-Duty Transportation

Congressman Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) has reintroduced two crucial pieces of legislation, known as the Hydrogen for Trucks Act of 2023 and the Hydrogen for Ports Act, to the House of Representatives. Partnering with Congresswoman Katie Porter (D-CA), the bills aim to incentivize and promote the use of hydrogen in heavy-duty transportation, specifically trucks and ports.

Senai Mapping Professions for Brazil's Green Hydrogen Revolution

National Industrial Learning Service (Senai), in collaboration with the H2Brasil project under the Brazil-Germany Cooperation for Sustainable Development, has undertaken a pioneering study titled “Green Hydrogen Market and Power-to-X (PtX): Demand for Professional Training.” This study aims to identify the key professions essential for steering Brazil’s transition towards a low-carbon economy.